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Why It All Started
My Story

Monica was born and raised in the small southern town of Decatur, AL.  Raised by a divorced under-educated mother of 8, doing the best that she could.  She grew up living in poverty filled with trauma.  One of her earliest memories at the age of around 4, is being woken up out of her sleep in the early morning hours surrounded by lights from police cars and ambulance.  Standing on her front porch with tears streaming down her face, she watches her mom laying on the ground with a gunshot wound.  Monica and her siblings were traumatized, as they watched the ambulance drive away. This was the beginning of a cycle of traumatic experiences she had to face in life.  A few years later, they were faced with yet another traumatic experience, due to their mom being incarcerated for stealing food to feed them all.  This led Monica, and her sisters, Charso and Denise to be placed in the home of their absent father.  The stay at their father’s home was short lived, due to him and his wife not wanting them there. Three little girls, all under the age of 10, were now faced with the crisis of being homeless.  The cycle of trauma continued throughout her childhood and teenage years.  Monica’s past was full of pain and struggle, but that pain and struggle molded her into a stronger, better person.  The verbal abuse she suffered from one of her older siblings, telling her she would never be anything in life, how dumb and stupid she was, she would be a teen mom, and she would never graduate high school all played in her head, but she refused to become a product of her environment.  All those negative words became her motivation.  As a child, Monica could never understand why she had to suffer so many traumatic experiences, but as an adult she sees the strength, power, and determination it built inside of her.  Monica managed to escape her teenage years without being a statics of becoming a teen mom, despite what was said to her.  As a teenager, Monica made a promise to herself that she would never live in poverty again. As long as God blew breath into her body, her children would never encounter the things that she experienced.  She knows the struggles of living in high-poverty areas, traumatic environments, and the lack of resources afforded to those within that community.  With determination to make a better life for herself, Monica was the first person in her family to graduate high school and pursue college. It was challenging, working full time and attending college with no support, but Monica persevered. Because of Monica’s life experiences, it has been her passion to help other young people create a better life for themselves.  Her mission is to help them break the cycle of trauma in their lives, and reassure them that someone cares about their well-being. Monica wholeheartedly understands the effect of trauma and abandonment on children, family units, and the community-at-large.​


After years of contemplation and many delays, Monica followed her passion and founded the CHARSO Organization in 2023. With the goal of launching a non-profit organization to benefit the community.  Monica is finally creating her footprint through CHARSO.  Changing the trajectory of others who have similar personal encounters who need sound direction, and support to overcome life’s obstacles.  CHARSO is providing a firm foundation for youth and young adults to build from, by shining light in dark places and uplifting the spirits of young people striving

to live their lives intentionally.

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